
Sunday, November 15, 2015

CCRP Toy Drive

The Cameron County Republican Party  will be having a toy drive in the efforts to be a part of some happiness for children whose families are less able to provide for them this Christmas.

More details to follow. Please stay tuned to find out how you, too, can be a part of bringing joy to a child during one of the most important times of our Christian calendar that is about giving, gratitude, and celebrating the birth and spirit of Christ and Christmas. Please feel free to contact our chairman at or on her public Facebook page, Www.facebook.con/MorganGrahamGOPfor more information.

Fundraising Committee Meeting

The Fundraising Committee will be meeting this Thursday at Mr. Gatti's in Harlingen to discuss, you guessed it, fundraising. The meeting will be at 6:30 and all wishing to be a part of this initiative are welcome to attend. 


Friday, October 23, 2015

Updates from Chairman Graham

Hello all,

I am happy to announce a couple of things regarding the Cameron GOP - though there is far more to come.

• The Cameron GOP Candidate Bulletin Board

This is a closed group on Facebook and should you wish to join please send me a request- or anybody else who is already on it such as our announced candidates. 

It is a tool available to all of our candidates to reach out to voters, introduce themselves, announce upcoming events, post links to their campaign websites and social media pages, and answer questions members of the group wish to posite.

I urge all of you to take advantage of this tool and feel free to add/invite members to join it.

The URL is:

• The Cameron GOP Website

This is currently under construction and not only will link to various social media links, but to information regarding filing deadlines, County Executive Committee Meetings, upcoming party events, candidate information, current events, and much more!

I am always open to suggestions and should you have any, please do feel free to contact me at: 

• Election Workers

It is always something we encourage: to have members of our party participate in the election process and work the voter polls. Should you wish to be a part of this important element in ensuring the integrity of the election process, give me a shout-out. 

• Chairman Morgan Graham, Cameron County Party page

I have established a public figure page on Facebook that gives all of our Cameron GOP members (or any of the public for that matter) another tool to get ahold of me or simply know some things your Chair is doing for you. I'm always interested in knowing not only what I'm doing right, but areas of opportunity to improve. Feel free to "like" and "follow" me....on the way to what will be an exciting process and a fantastic 2016 Election Year.

The link is:

God bless you all and I look forward to bringing you more news as it becomes finalized.

Morgan Graham
Cameron County Republican Party

Friday, September 18, 2015

Letter from the Chairman, Morgan Graham

Greetings fellow Patriots and Conservatives:

On September 17th, I had the honor of being elected the new Cameron County Party Chair with 33 of 34 votes cast by our precinct chairs during the Executive Committee meeting. My heart was well served to see such unity in our Party amongst those who run the gamut of social and fiscal views that our Party contains. It is a great thing to see that there was such commitment to the vision and direction I am committed to implementing and taking for not only the betterment of our party, but our community as well.

I was born and raised in Brownsville and am the proud daughter of a Hispanic mother, Patricia Cisneros Young, and father, Bill Young. I am above all my husband's wife and my child's mother and proud to call this county my home. There is nowhere else I would want to raise my family, and of the utmost importance to me is being able to look my children in the eye and honestly say that I did everything I could to ensure the world they inherit is better than the one I was born into.

Of course, such general statements and goals mean little without a clear vision to execute in order to achieve them. I would like to share with you a few of the many things I wish to accomplish in the interim without revealing too much to our detriment.

• Though I am personally committed to remaining neutral in contested Republican Primary races, I intend to do everything within my power to support and promote our candidates. They have assumed the mantle and the challenge of running as Republicans in Cameron County, which is a blue county despite the disparity between the values of our people and that of the party they choose to support and elect for the most part.

I plan to accomplish this by being in the frontlines with them, organizing public events, engaging the press so that their profile is raised, being visible and accessible, educating the public on why our candidates are the best choice to represent and serve them, and providing for our candidates as many tools possible to facilitate effective campaigning.

Though I pray for God's will to be done, I also am aware of our personal responsibilities as we stare down the barrel of the power of the Democrat straight ticket vote- which has been something many of them push for as opposed to promoting educated votes based on the virtues and suitability of the candidates seeking office.

• Oftentimes the dialogue and debates are about what one party or another is against. I would like to shift the dialogue to promoting what we affirm and what unites us as Americans. Family, and especially Judeo-Christian values, upon which our great nation was founded; small government, transparency, nurturing and creating an environment for our businesses to thrive and entrepreneurs to pursuit success, the preservation of our liberties as outlined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights as God given and inalienable (as opposed to privileges awarded by the government which has appeared in Common Core materials across the nation), and a plethora of other great things are what I plan to educate the electorate on through public engagements, forums, aggressive use of social media and web based promotion, and above all- by walking the walk. 

• I plan to be present at, and organize,  events such as voter drives and Market Days, public meetings and community happenings. Being visible and approachable, distributing literature and voter guides, speaking at various schools  and organizations are all examples of how I plan to engage the public and sell them on how our Party represents their social and fiscal interests best. 

I will also be serving on the Elections Commission as County Chair, and will be vigilant and approachable.

• As conservatives we believe the private sector is the most effective agent for charity and serving our communities in need. Engaging local institutions and charities and organizing within our volunteers to support them in their charitable acts, drives, and causes is one of my major commitments in the months to come.

Diversifying our membership is incredibly important. Being bilingual (though not infallibly I admit) and born into a Hispanic family and culture, I have been blessed with a loving and supportive extended family with our rich culture and heritage. I can not emphasize enough the truth of Reagan's quote that "Hispanics are Republicans. They just don't know it yet."

Though I know many Hispanics who are aware of the fact that they are Republicans and vote as such, historically our community has been sold time and again that the Democratic Party represents their interests. This is not true. 

By collaborating with grassroots groups such as the Federation of Hispanic Republicans, community outreach and education of the public, diversification will happen. Our county is by far a majority Hispanic, and the demographics of our party should reflect that because, after all, our values as a party and as a community are the same. We value family and the freedom to pursue happiness through hard work and striving to better ourselves and want elected representatives who uphold and act on those principles.

• As a member of the Federation of Young Republicans, and the Executive VP of the local federated YR group, I intend to guide, foster, and facilitate the outreach efforts to bring in and prepare the next generation of Republicans for their role in many capacities for our great nation's future. 

These are only a few of the things I must do in addition to the administrative responsibilities involved with chairing the party, which I am committed to fulfilling in accordance with the law as well with the ethics, values, and virtues of a Conservative.

God bless each and every one of you. I look forward to the days to come and the opportunity to represent and serve not only for he betterment of our local party but ultimately for our community through these initiatives.


Morgan Graham
Cameron County Republican Party

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cameron Republicans in Hidalgo to Support Governor Abbott

Today at Cowboy Chicken on West Nolana in McAllen, Governor Abbott was welcomed by a packed house of enthusiastic supporters from Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr counties.

Numerous public officials were in attendance including but not limited to Hidalgo County Party Chairman Sergio Sanchez (who delivered an excellent introduction) and City Commissioner Jessica Tetreau from Brownsville, Wanda Reyes Rice of Laguna Vista, and many more. 

The Governor reviewed his veto of some 43 proposed laws in the efforts to not allow government to grow even more- stating that this year is a new record low in laws hitting the books compared to the last decade.

But he stated that even then too many laws have been created, and he intends to be even more protective of individual freedoms. The term "true conservative" was a major focus in his speech.

Listing several venues in and visits to the Rio Grande Valley, the Governor expressed his intent to have a continued presence in our part of the state. He also reviewed his recent visit with Mexican President Nieto and proactive discussions on the part of the Mexican government to address border security at  not only their southern, but northern, border as well. The Governor also mentioned the performance of former Cameron County Judge Carlos Cascos in facilitating and acting as an excellent agent in furthering Texan-Mexican economic relations.

All in all it was a successful and well attended event. Cameron County Republican Party leadership was present including SREC & Executive Director Sharon Batterson, Executive Director Winifred Marshall, Asst. Exec Director and Brownsville Club President Morgan Graham, YR Regional Coordinator Josh Ballenger (who is also the Youth Outreach Director for the Cameron Party.)

All of this will be followed by the election of an Interim County Party Chairman amongst the Executive Committee tomorrow and another Republican Presidential Event today. It is an eventful week for our little corner of the state.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Monday, September 2, 2013


Many kudos are in order for Jaime Cavazos, James Ross and all the Cameron Young Republicans who worked so very hard for a successful candidate forum, which was held at the Brownsville Event Center on August 20.  Five state-wide candidates appeared, along with a Republican candidate for Congress.  The event was well attended and all were in accord in expressing their appreciation for an event well done!  Also, all Republicans can take pride in the fine showing made by the Republican candidates in attendance.